Saturday 25 April 2009

Selamat Menyambut Ramadhan

Selamat menyambut Ramadhan pada tahun 2012 ini. Tidak lama lagi, iaitu sekitar 40 hari, Ramadhan akan tiba. Apakah Ramadhan kali ini akan lebih baik buat diriku? Mampukah aku menjadi hamba yang tawaduk dan benar-benar tunduk padanya? Mampukah aku mengkhatam al-quran? Aku mesti membuat persediaan yang rapi. Moga ALLAH berikan kekuatan buatku. LAHAULAWALA QUWWATAILLA BILLAH.

Tools/Softwares Required for My Research

Here are several softwares which are important in performing my research:
  1. MATLAB for dealing with mathematics equations & formulas
  2. Robot Control Simulator to simulate and analyse bipedal walking robot movements
  3. C Programming Language to develop the source code for the robot simulator & also for the real robot hardware during the experiments
  4. Latex for documents preparation

Research Interest

I am interested on bipedal walking robot research especially with the exact human size robots. This kind of robots are also known as humanoid.